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SNAKLAB Regensburg Southeastern Europe Research Seminars

January 18, 2024 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Dr. Miroslav Pavlović (University Novi Sad) will give a talk on

“Between “Turkish Yoke” and Ottoman Reality: Ottoman Heritage in Contemporary Serbian Historiography”

Time: 4-6 pm

Venue: IOS, R017

Abstract: Early proclaimed dichotomy in Serbian historiography between the “national approach” and Ottoman studies was created in the 19th century and maintained until the early 21st century. This “Methodenstreit” or ideological issue, positioned Ottomanists between being practitioners of an auxiliary discipline of the modern historiography and experts of one of its most challenging research fields. The fear of the so-called defterology paradox, or the unresolved contradictions of the transitional period of Ottoman history were the sources of insecurities, that contributed to marginalization of Ottoman studies. The last two decades proved to be a turning point. In one moment, all three history departments in Serbia (at the Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš Universities) employed experts in the Ottoman studies. New approaches in the study of Ottoman history, predominantly of the transitional period (17th–18th centuries) started to open possibilities for the change of the position of Ottomanists in Serbian academia in the last two decades. The Ottoman studies offered “something that could not be neglected” regarding the progress of a society in transition and its changing perception of its own past.


Snacken with Balkans Snacks


January 18, 2024
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


IOS, Landshuterstr. 4, R 017
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