Albanian Studies Symposium: Exploring the Future of Research and Scholarship

Come down to the Vielberth Building on 7 June to hear about all the latest developments, along with some predictions for the future, from the field of Albanian Studies at the University of Regensburg!

Brought to you by Björn Hansen (Institute of Slavonic Studies, seeFField Steering Board member) and Ledio Hala (Lecturer for Albanian), participants will discuss dynamic developments and exciting perspectives on this field. The Symposium will cover three thematic areas, Linguistics, Literature and Culture, and forms an integrated part of wider Area Studies activities at the UR.
Leading experts from the universities of Tirana, Prishtina, LMU, HU Berlin and Charles University will present their research related to the overarching topic of “travelling concepts”: ideas or cultural constructs that traverse linguistic and cultural barriers, transforming and acquiring nuances as they are rendered into different languages. This process has the advantage of fostering cross-cultural understanding, though also brings challenges – as context can be lost or altered along the way.
The event will be in English, with some translations into Albanian. See full programme below.

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